November 18, 2015


Welcoming the Winter SolsticeMonday Dec 18/23 -  7pm - 8:15pm .... online 

At this busy time with Winter upon up, we pause to reflect, to renew our energy, to welcome the return of Light and the Solstice.

In the midst of another challenging year, to maintain balance, we take time to reflect; grateful for our blessings, awarenesses and well-being.

We welcome the Light and set our Intention for 2024, through Gratitude, Affirmation, Gentle Yoga and Relaxation.

Payment in advance when registering.
Have a chair, Yoga Mat, cushion, unlit candle/s, water, blanket.     Cost: $25.00

Feel free to pass this on to family or friends.

Do touch base if you have any questions. Thank you.




Shifting moods - Creating more Energy & Light in our Lives

November  23  & 30  -  6:45pm - 8:15 pm  -  Online

Easing our way through the last weeks of Fall, as we make our way through December and beyond, with Intention, Discussion, Sharing, Yoga tools and Relaxation.

Offering techniques to cope with longer nights, more time indoors, low energy levels, creating more light, shifting our energy, mood, outlook, activities, hobbies. 

Cost: $50 for both (sessions build on each other) - Have a notebook, pen, a cup of tea & yoga mat/cushion nearby. 

Please register before Sat. Nov 21st.




Stepping into Fall - Mon. Sept. 21 - 6:45 - 8pm, online session, open to everyone 

Join us as we invite and celebrate the Fall Equinox, with Gentle Stretching, Breathing, Meditation, Relaxation. Starting the season with awareness and intention, changing our outlook and perspective as we move forward.

Cost $20 - Please indicate attendance in advance.



Welcoming the Winter Solstice  - Thurs. Dec 19,  7:00pm - 8:30pm

Join us as we take time to pause, reflect and renew our energy.
In the midst of the hectic pace we take time to reflect; grateful for the blessings & challenges of the past year.
We welcome the return of the Light and set our Intention for 2020, through Gratitude, Affirmation, Gentle Yoga and Meditation.
Payment when registering, Dec. 16 last day of registration
Space is limited.  Bring your Yoga Mat  scent-free class
Cost:  $20.00               


